NEWTON in Focus: Egypt

NEWTON in Focus: Egypt

NEWTON in Focus: Egypt

By : Anthony Alessandrini, Bassam Haddad, and Suzanne Saleeby

This week we highlight various NEWTON texts relevant to the study of Egypt. The authors of these texts write from a wide range of perspectives and approach questions with which Egypt has grappled, not only in the wake of Tahrir, but throughout its modern existence. We encourage you to integrate these texts into your curricula in the coming semesters.

If you wish to recommend a book or peer-reviewed article for a feature in NEWTON—whether on Egypt or on any other topics relevant to the region—please email us at To stay up to date with ongoing discussions by scholars and instructors in the field, sign up for Jadaliyya’s Pedagogy Section

Gilbert Achcar, “Eichmann in Cairo: The Eichmann Affair in Nasser`s Egypt.”

Nezar AlSayyad, Cairo: Histories of a City

Jason Brownlee, Democracy Prevention: The Politics of the US-Egyptian Alliance

Ziad Fahmy, Ordinary Egyptians: Creating the Modern Nation through Popular Culture

James L. Gelvin, The Modern Middle East: A History, Third Edition

Paolo Gerbaudo, Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism

Pascale Ghazaleh, editor, Held in Trust: Waqf in the Islamic World

Bassam Haddad, Rosie Bsheer, and Ziad Abu-Rish, editors, The Dawn of the Arab Uprisings: End of an Old Order?

Mervat F. Hatem, Literature, Gender, and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Egypt: The Life and Works of `A’sha Taymur

Nelly Hanna, Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early Modern Capitalism (1600 1800)

Linda Herrera, “Youth and Citizenship in the Digital Age: A View from Egypt.”

Linda Herrera and Asef Bayat, editors, Being Young and Muslim: New Cultural Politics in the Global South and North

Wilson Chacko Jacob, Working Out Egypt: Effendi Masculinity and Subject Formation in Colonial Modernity, 1870–1940

Karima Khalil, editor, Messages from Tahrir

Marwan M. Kraidy, “The Revolutionary Body Politic: Preliminary Thoughts on a Neglected Medium in the Arab Uprisings”

Alan Mikhail, Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt: An Environmental History

Roger Owen, The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life

Paul Sedra, From Mission to Modernity: Evangelicals, Reformers and Education in Nineteenth Century Egypt

Mohammad Salama and Rachel Friedman, “Locating the Secular in Sayyid Qutb"

Jeannie Sowers, Environmental Politics in Egypt: Activists, Experts, and the State

Joshua Stacher, Adaptable Autocrats: Regime Power in Egypt and Syria


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New Texts Out Now: January 2013 Back to School Edition

As we kick off the spring 2013 semester, Jadaliyya would like to remind you of some of the most creative and groundbreaking works in Middle East studies that we have featured in our New Texts Out Now (NEWTON) page. Since we launched this page in 2011, we have had the opportunity to share with you unique interviews by authors and excerpts from their new and forthcoming publications.

Here you will find a list divided by topic of some of these texts that you may find particularly useful pedagogically. We encourage you to integrate these into your curricula during this semester and beyond. To stay up to date with ongoing discussions by scholars and instructors in the field, sign up for Jadaliyya’s Pedagogy Section.

We wish you the best in the new semester!


Arabs and Muslims in America

Nadine Naber, Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics, and Activism

Stephen Sheehi, Islamophobia: The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims

Arab Uprisings

Hamid Dabashi, The Arab Spring: The End of Postcolonialism

James Gelvin, The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know

Bassam Haddad, Rosie Bsheer, and Ziad Abu-Rish, The Dawn of the Arab Uprisings: End of an Old Order?


Nezar AlSayyad, Cairo: Histories of a City

Ziad Fahmy, Ordinary Egyptians: Creating the Modern Nation through Popular Culture

Mervat Hatem, Literature, Gender, and Nation-Building in Nineteenth-Century Egypt


Noga Efrati, Women in Iraq: Past Meets Present

Nicola Pratt, “The Gender Logics of Resistance to the "War on Terror"


Nadje Al-Ali and Deborah Al-Najjar, We Are Iraqis: Aesthetics and Politics in a Time of War

Joseph Sassoon, Saddam Hussein`s Ba`th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime


Farzaneh Milani, Words, Not Swords: Iranian Women Writers and the Freedom of Movement

Shahla Talebi, Ghosts of Revolution: Rekindled Memories of Imprisonment in Iran


Lila Abu-Lughod and Anupama Rao, Women`s Rights, Muslim Family Law, and the Politics of Consent

Hilal Elver, The Headscarf Controversy: Secularism and Freedom of Religion

Maaike Voorhoeve, Family Law in Islam


Rochelle Davis, Palestinian Village Histories: Geographies of the Displaced

Marcy Jane Knopf-Newman, The Politics of Teaching Palestine to Americans

Mark LeVine and Gershon Shafir, Struggle and Survival in Palestine/Israel

Ben White, Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy

Saudi Arabia

Madawi Al-Rasheed, A Most Masculine State: Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia

Steffen Hertog, Princes, Brokers, and Bureaucrats: Oil and the State in Saudi Arabia

Torture and Detainment

Julie Carlson and Elisabeth Weber, Speaking about Torture

Lisa Hajjar, Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights

Laleh Khalili, Time in the Shadows: Confinement in Counterinsurgencies


Stephen W. Day, Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen: A Troubled National Union

John M. Willis, Unmaking North and South: Cartographies of the Yemeni Past, 1857-1934